We Are Sunshine

Offer Clients ‘Service With Sprinkles’

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

Just like sprinkles make a good cupcake that much more appealing, adding some extra thought and generosity to the customer experience can make it truly exceptional and loyalty-inspiring, the article “Win Customer Loyalty With an Unexpected Experience” explains.

“Display of a generous attitude has a magnetic impact on customers. It draws them in because it conveys the kind of unconditional positive regard that characterizes relationships at their best. I believe customers like the way they feel when they’re part of relationships laced with substance as opposed to encounters that are merely functional,” contributor Chip R. Bell writes. He also details some of the types of sprinkles you’ll want to add to the customer service recipe:

  1. Always add an extra helping. A generous attitude cannot be demanded; it must be embedded in your culture. Always give your customers your best, and the best will come back to you.
  2. Give consumers information. The gift of learning is one of the best (and cheapest) benefits you can provide. A 2009 survey found that “proactively providing customers new and useful information increases the likelihood of a repurchase 32 percent.”
  3. Make the service as easy to use as a TV dinner.  Whether it’s by phone, email, or in person, always be available to your customers. If a client has a question, and reaches an answering machine, or an employee doesn’t have the time to properly explain something, how does that make them feel about your business? Help them with extra zeal, and they’ll help you with loyal business and rave reviews.

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