We Are Sunshine

Optimism prevails in the indoor tanning market, survey shows

Monday, March 16th, 2009

Seven out of 10 indoor tanning facility owners think the first two months of 2009 indicate that the tanning business has improved from last year, a survey revealed this week.

2009-03-13-a-good-start-tanningnews-copy.jpgAccording to the survey, 70 percent of owners expect their indoor tanning business performance to be better than 2008 based on January and February results. Only 22 percent expect this year to be worse than 2008, while 8 percent feel there will be no change from last year. The results are not scientific, but are highly directional.

“This is up slightly from other surveys even — it is an encouraging sign that many salons are weathering conditions that are prevailing in most other markets right now,” Smart Tan Vice President Joseph Levy said. “It is consistent with our findings that the overall health of the tanning market, despite the economy, is actually better now than it was years ago when debt loads were higher and expenses were out of line.”

It also suggests that salons are improving overall sales and marketing techniques — which has been the focus of Smart Tan’s programs for salons for several years.
