Clearly, tanning is a service industry. But so many salon owners separate customer service and the services that they charge for; in reality, these things are one and the same. The most valuable service you provide for your clients is …
Depending on where your salon is located, summer marks the beginning of the annual slow season. Typically, the first half of the year is the prime time to bring in new members, sell a ton of EFTs, …
It’s true that “it’s never too late.” Let me go on record and be one of many that will tell you that if you aren’t selling memberships in your salon, do not wait another …
There’s always lots of talk about print advertising, direct mailing, social media, radio, television, etc. But for some reason, we seem to neglect talking about the most important and free way to market a business: word of mouth.
Clients expect retail products from a professional service provider. Imagine having your hair styled in a salon that didn’t sell shampoo or hairspray. Ever had a stylist send you to another store’s beauty aisle with a list …
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” That is a quote by Wayne Dyer that really hit home for me when I came across it. I will be honest; I came across …