We Are Sunshine

What’s Your Type? Personality testing and the hiring process

Friday, May 10th, 2024

By Laura George

How do you select the right new hire when almost every applicant states that they have great customer service skills, are trustworthy, reliable, friendly, and fast learners? You interview them for 10 to 15 minutes; they are …

Sunshine Exposure Can Affect How Long You Live

Thursday, May 9th, 2024

From GrassrootsHealth

Research shows that more sunshine in your life can help you live healthier, longer, and that avoiding sunshine could be the 4th major lifestyle factor leading to early death

Key Points

  • Researchers discovered the mortality rate for women

Red and Near-Infrared Light Enhances Muscle Performance and Recovery

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Along with improving skin condition, enhancing tanning and much more, the combination of red and near-infrared light can speed up exercise recovery, enhance muscle gain, improve circulation, performance, strength, and endurance.

In 2023, we introduced theSmartSun Therapy red light

How to Determine Your Skin Type to Know What Amount of Sun Exposure is Right for You

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024

From GrassrootsHealth

Updated recommendations emphasize an individualized approach to sun exposure and sun protection based on skin type in order to maximize benefits and reduce harms

Key Points

  • In March 2023, Australia became the first country to provide updated guidelines

Make the Most of a Small Marketing Budget

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Owning a small business usually means you’re operating on a smaller budget when it comes to your marketing and promotion. Unfortunately, some small business owners experiencing a rough patch or low sales tend to cut marketing and promotion to save …

Health-Promoting Reactions in the Body Triggered by Exposure to Full-Spectrum Sunlight

Friday, May 3rd, 2024

From GrassrootsHealth

Wavelengths of Energy from Sunshine: UVB, UVA, Red, Near Infrared, Far Infrared, and Blue Light from sunshine all have unique health consequences

Key Points

  • There are several wavelengths of energy from sunshine that trigger specific actions within the

Modern Membership Retention: Prioritizing year-round appeal and cost-effective solutions

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

In this day and age, tanning businesses that have embraced modernization and diversification are moving away from relying on aggressive membership retention tactics during the late spring and summer months. Instead, they’re focusing on cultivating a business that offers year-round …

Urgent Changes in Policy Regarding Sunshine Exposure and Health

Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

Based on the latest research, experts now urge everyone to take an individualized approach to sun exposure advice based on skin type – learn more this May during the 8th annual Sunshine Month

Key Points

  • New recommendations for sun exposure