We Are Sunshine

Sunbed Users Tops in Vitamin D Levels

Thursday, November 12th, 2020

Canada’s sun-deprived northerly latitudes mean 90 percent of Canadians will be vitamin D deficient in the winter. That’s why it’s not surprising that regular sunbed users have the highest vitamin D levels of any group in Canada.

According to Canadian …

It’s a No-Brainer! More options and value make membership an easy sale

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

Last month’s Smart Tan Magazine cover feature was titled “Tanning is Evolving.” While that article focused on the evolution of the actual tanning process with new types of equipment, it’s certainly true that the tanning industry is also evolving in …

The Gift that Keeps Giving: Set the tone for the season with a strong holiday sales push

Tuesday, November 10th, 2020

While it’s not considered the “busy season” yet for most, the holidays are an important period in the tanning calendar for a variety of reasons. Beyond being a time to service clients for their holiday events and provide gifts for …

My Letter to You, the Employee

Monday, November 9th, 2020

By Scott Nichols, salon GM and consultant

My usual articles are geared towards owners, upper management and sometimes store managers. This article is different. This time I want to talk directly to the employee, the Gen-Z generation. For a vast …

Staying Within the Zone Through the Seasons: How to make sure your vitamin D level remains on target as seasons cycle

Friday, November 6th, 2020

From GrassrootsHealth

With the change in seasons approaching (it seems like winter is already here for some!) it is important to keep in mind the natural fluctuations in season and our resulting lifestyle changes, and how it all affects our …

Get Smart: Business intelligence helps salons stay competitive

Thursday, November 5th, 2020

By Megan Knoll

Many salon owners think they know who their best customers are, but the facts may surprise you. More companies in every sector are using business intelligence to get a complete image of who their most valuable customers …

Salons Educate Clients on Outdoor Sun Safety

Wednesday, November 4th, 2020

With winter and holiday vacations to warm destinations on the horizon, outdoor sun safety is as important as ever this time of year. It’s a good thing 83 percent of indoor tanning businesses said they teach their clients sunburn prevention …

5 Reasons People Haven’t Liked Your Facebook Page

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020

New forms of social media are emerging constantly, but the number of Facebook likes on your business page is still a common indicator of success on the medium. If you have felt a little lost or overwhelmed by the thought …
