We Are Sunshine

The Easiest & Most Profitable Way To Have Your Staff Sell More

Thursday, September 10th, 2020

By Grant Miller

If you are a salon owner, you need to accept the fact that most staff will never be as motivated and good at selling as you probably are. It’s really not their fault. Most staff members are …

Why Tanning’s Future is Bright: Industry leaders predict a banner year in 2021

Wednesday, September 9th, 2020

Midas Touch Golden Tans was coming off the most successful year in its 18-year history and on track to have an even better 2020 when everything came to a screeching halt in March. “I don’t even know the words to …

Say Yes to Self Tanners

Tuesday, September 8th, 2020

By Ivy Potter

Self tanners are in demand, so much so that they have garnered permanent shelf space at most major retail and specialty beauty stores. That means salon clients are buying these products. As experts in sunless, they should

Call to Action to Eliminate Vitamin D Deficiency During COVID-19: Epidemiologists

Friday, September 4th, 2020

With evidence mounting regarding vitamin D’s potential impacts on COVID-19 occurence and severity, two Harvard-affiliated doctors and researchers penned a recent letter urging health care providers and the public to take measures — including more sun exposure — to eliminate

Easy Ways to Increase Your Customer Base

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

By Ashley Laabs

Salon owners are always focused on keeping their clients happy and making the most out of their buying potential, but one of the biggest favors you can do for yourself as slow season creeps along is to …

Science Says Sun Exposure Improves Sex Life (And Not Just Because Tans are Sexy)

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

It’s no secret that everyone looks and feels a little sexier with a nice tan. But that’s apparently not the only way sunshine can improve your sex life. Exposure to bright lights, similar to sunlight, tripled reported sexual satisfaction in …

Share Your Story

Monday, August 31st, 2020

By Lydia Calderón

Instagram launched Stories, their rendition of Snapchat’s app, last year. Like Snapchat, stories are photos and videos that can be viewed for 24 hours before disappearing. On Instagram, they’re located as little circles at the top of …

Testimonials Provide New Perspectives for Old and New Clients

Friday, August 28th, 2020

In a poll, more than 60 percent of indoor tanning businesses said they use customer testimonials as part of their marketing.

Testimonials aren’t just about telling people what a great job you’re doing – it’s also about showing them …
