We Are Sunshine

Vitamin D Day – November 2nd: Take action to prevent vitamin D deficiency this winter

Friday, October 26th, 2018

TORONTO, Ont. (October 26, 2018) – Do you know your vitamin D blood level? Most Canadians don’t, and it could be shortening their lives by leading to a higher risk of serious disease. A landmark Canadian study reports that having …

Elevate Your Sunless Game

Thursday, October 25th, 2018

Why settle for lower-level performance when you can go with the Pro? The VersaSpa Pro Sunless Skin Care System is in the major leagues of sunless game, providing a premium experience and never taking a day off. In baseball terms, …

Confidence Equals Success

Wednesday, October 24th, 2018

By Brandon Cardinal, Norvell Sunless

Do you have too many sunless clients to handle? Are you looking to hire additional technicians to help with the overwhelming amount of sunless requests pouring in? Is your appointment book full, and the line …

Remember Me? Email marketing is still a winner

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

For years, email marketing enjoyed the level of hype that is currently being experienced by social media marketing. It was the newest form of marketing that you had to be doing. In the past few years, that hype has died …

Choose the Right Facebook Ads to Meet Your Objective

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

Boosted posts are one affordable way to reach a wide audience, but Facebook Ads give you more control and options. Facebook Ads allow you to choose from videos, images, collections, carousel, slideshows, canvas, lead generation, offers, post engagements, event responses, …

Get to Know Your Customers

Friday, October 19th, 2018

By Lydia Calderón, Smart Tan Marketing Manager

You may want to market to everyone, but defining a specific audience has the power to grow your business exponentially. Through learning various factors about your main customers, you can cater to their …

Scottish Soccer Manager Encourages Team to Tan

Thursday, October 18th, 2018

Vitamin D is part of the team’s “prescription” and they should visit warmer climates or use sunbeds to get it, former Rangers F.C. manager Pedro Caixinha told the media.

“Pedro Mendes told me about the need for sunlight. He used …

The Power of an ‘Irresistible Offer’

Tuesday, October 16th, 2018

By Grant Miller, salon consultant

Columbia House, the company that was famous for one of the most successful and irresistible offers ever, filed for bankruptcy in 2015. Ending their business was mostly due to the changing of customers’ buying and …
