We Are Sunshine

Body Repairs Skin Damage in Groundbreaking 2017 Study

Monday, February 26th, 2018

DNA changes resulting from simulated moderate sunshine were corrected by the skin within hours of exposure in a study published last year in the British Journal of Dermatology. This finding supports the notion that moderate UV exposure is not …

Marketing to Your Customer Base

Thursday, February 22nd, 2018

Many of us reading this article can probably say they bought a new TV in the past few years. The big excitement this year is the 4K TVs that will give you the best picture imaginable. Today’s prices are much …

Avoiding Over-Exposure to UV-Light: Universal Insurance

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

In the United States, all devices that emit UV-light, including tanning beds and booths, are regulated by the FDA and are listed as Class-2 medical devices.

To avoid over-exposure to UV, which can result in injury, there are several important …

Your Guide to Checking References

Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Any salon owner will tell you that the staff you hire can make or break your business, yet so many tanning businesses fail to implement a thorough hiring process. It requires a tremendous level of responsibility and trustworthiness to put …

Put Some Love in Your Scrub!

Monday, February 19th, 2018

The most prominent step to preparing for a spray tan is exfoliation. It seems like everyone knows that not exfoliating before a spray tan is disadvantageous. Less known is that over exfoliating can be just as unproductive and even damaging. …

Putting the ‘U’ in ‘Business’: Demonstrating your values in the workplace

Friday, February 16th, 2018

If you’ve ever been in a leadership position, you know that it can bring on a mini-identity crisis. You have an obligation to uphold policies and improve productivity, which leads so many business owners to take on an arbitrary role …

Use Sunbeds to Avoid Vitamin D Deficiency: Doctor

Thursday, February 15th, 2018

“Use a sunbed,” advises Dr. Gerry Schwalfenberg, MD, in a 2017 article, 5 ways to make sure you are not vitamin D deficient, published by His other suggestions include testing blood levels, taking a trip to the sunny …

There’s Gold in the Old

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018

By Grant Miller, salon consultant

Most people have very short memories about almost everything. Many salon owners also suffer from this as well. They either forget or they lack the motivation to seek out and discover what was successful in …
