We Are Sunshine

Double the Effectiveness of Your Marketing

Friday, May 26th, 2017

By Grant Miller, Salon consultant

Did you ever pay for marketing or advertising and the results weren’t as effective as you had hoped? Of course you have! It’s happened to every one of us, but here’s some good news: There …

Expand Sunless Business with Competition Tanning

Thursday, May 25th, 2017

By Ivy Potter, Image Sun Tanning Centers of NW Indiana

Could you be missing an opportunity to add to your bottom line? The thriving health and fitness industry has carved a niche for sunless success. Bodybuilding and Fitness Competitions are …

Sunny ‘D’ Works Better: Holick

Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

“When you ingest vitamin D, only about 60 percent of it sticks to vitamin D-binding protein, but when you make vitamin D in your skin, 100 percent binds to the protein.” — Dr. Michael F. Holick, vitamin D research pioneer …

Tanning Businesses Cross-Promote with Gyms, Beauty Salons

Friday, May 19th, 2017

In a poll, eight of ten salons said they most commonly cross promote with either gyms or beauty salons.

Forty-two percent said they work with gyms most, and 38 percent said they most often cross promote with beauty salons. …

JK Group International Acquired by Munich Investment Firm

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

Windhagen/Munich, 11. May 2017

VTC Industriebeteiligungen GmbH & Co. KG (“VTC”) from Munich acquires 100% of shares from JK-Holding GmbH (“JK”), Windhagen, from founding family Walter Kratz. In the last 30 years, the family led the company to become the …

Nashville Event Registration Coming Soon

Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

The tanning industry’s yearly event in Nashville, the ASA World Summit Conference and Open Board Meeting, will take place Oct. 6-7 at the Music City Center in downtown Nashville. Registration and hotel blocks will be available soon.

This Friday and …

Digging Deeper for Customer Service

Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

Most owners of independent tanning businesses seem to pride themselves on customer service. But what does that really mean? If you think it’s all about being nice and knowledgeable, your salon is missing some of the components that will make …

Sunbeds Best ‘D’ Source: Study

Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

A European study showed that three non-burning sunbed sessions weekly was more effective at raising vitamin D blood levels than 1,000 IU of daily vitamin D pills.

Published in the European Society for Photobiology’s journal, Dr. Fran de Gruijl was …
