We Are Sunshine

Does Active Sun Exposure Help Prevent Ovarian Cancer?

Friday, August 18th, 2017

By Dr. Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute

Ovarian cancer, like most cancers, is nothing to trifle with. There are 22,280 new cases of ovarian cancer and 14,240 deaths annually in the U.S. Compare that death statistic to melanoma, which has a …

Member of the Month Offers ‘The Total Package’

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

With two degrees and another in progress, work experience in education and marketing, and now a business to call her own at age 29, Mrs. Delaware 2015 has proven again and again that she’s so much more than a pretty …

Get the Insider Information on the Future of Tanning

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

Due to the sensitive nature of most of the American Suntanning Association’s lobbying, legal and public relations efforts, only a small fraction of the information can be communicated in a public forum. That’s why the ASA World Summit Conference and …

Maximize Your Revenue for the Rest of the Year

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017

By Grant Miller, Salon Consultant

Depending on where your salon is located, summer marks the beginning of the annual slow season. Typically, the first half of the year is the prime time to bring in new members, sell a ton …

Study Suggests Sunlight, Not Vitamin D, Eases MS Symptoms

Monday, August 14th, 2017

Sun exposure was significantly associated with less severe fatigue and depression in those with Multiple Sclerosis, while vitamin D levels were not significantly correlated with either symptom, in a study reported by the Vitamin D Council.

“This present study is …

Memberships, Memberships, Memberships

Thursday, August 10th, 2017

By Jenny Backman, Carolina Tan Factory

It’s true that “it’s never too late.” Let me go on record and be one of many that will tell you that if you aren’t selling memberships in your salon, do not wait another …

It Pays to Get Some Rays: GrassrootsHealth

Wednesday, August 9th, 2017

By Carole Baggerly, GrassrootsHealth

Neither too much or too little sunlight is good for your health. It is important to manage your sunlight exposure with an understanding of:

  • Your skin type
  • The strength of the UV lamp (or UV index

Wired for Joy: Nashville speaker preaches the power of feelings in business

Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

When most of you arrive in Nashville and get settled in at your beautiful hotel and ready for a weekend of education and fun with people you may know or may just be getting to know, you likely experience a …
