We Are Sunshine

The Spray Tan Doctor Will See You Now

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

Skin symptoms and simple solutions

By Brandon Cardinal, Norvell Sunless

It’s that time of year again: busy season! New clients will mean old symptoms that need a fresh perspective. Reoccurring issues with results and skin never disappear, and remember, are …

Sunburn Prevention: Changing lives for Skin Type II tanners

Wednesday, April 19th, 2017

Shelly DeJaynes LaPlant had never tanned in her life. Saddled with fair Type II skin growing up in sunny Colorado, she couldn’t go outside in the summer without breaking out in a rash or getting sunburn.

Her transformation story is …

Fictional Villains Doomed by Lack of Sunlight: Study

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

Have you ever wondered how the good guys always manage to get the best of their villainous foes in books and films? According to a paper in the Medical Journal of Australia it has nothing to do with justice or …

More Money, No Problem!

Monday, April 17th, 2017

When asked what she loves most about her job, Devoted Creations International Sales and Education Manager Lisa Parsons keeps it real. Of course she loves building relationships with hundreds of salon owners and employees each year and helping improve skin …

Maintain Your Busy Season Momentum

Sunday, April 16th, 2017

By Scott Nichols

Busy season is in full swing and before you know, it’s over! All our efforts right now are on the taking care of the customer and maximizing every dollar that comes into the salon, and there is …

How to Create a Talking Billboard for $2

Friday, April 14th, 2017

By Alyssa Hilliard, Sunless Inc.

Research shows that there is a reluctance to spray tanning because of the urban legends we’ve all heard of: “I don’t want to turn orange,” “I’m afraid I’ll turn into Ross!” What if I’m all …

Transitioning an Employee to Supervisor

Wednesday, April 12th, 2017

So, you need a new manager?

Filling a vacant supervisory position by promoting a current employee typically makes for a smoother transition than bringing in someone totally new to the business, but it definitely still comes with its own challenges.…

Sandcastles and Treasure Chests

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

Once upon a time there was a tanning salon. In it was a magical castle of sand, and a treasure chest with goodies for all the tanners of the land. Ok, any tanning salon owner knows that owning a tanning …
