We Are Sunshine

Member of the Month Featured in Local Newspaper

Wednesday, November 30th, 2016

Texas salon Endless Sun Tan received some great local recognition and publicity when their city’s newspaper reported on the salon being featured as November’s Smart Tan Member of the Month.

“Anything is possible if you put your mind to it,” …

The Importance of Time, Timelines and Timing for Commerical Leases for Tanning Tenants

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

By The Lease Coach

Readers of our new book, “Negotiating Commercial Leases & Renewals For Dummies,” will learn that the leasing process can take differing amounts of time, depending on whether you’re opening your first or fifth salon location. You …

Insufficient Sun Exposure Called Emerging Public Health Problem by World-Renowned Researchers

Monday, November 28th, 2016

SAN DIEGO, CA (Nov. 18, 2016) – A landmark study published today in the Journal Dermato-Endocrinology has world-renowned researchers calling insufficient sun exposure an emerging health problem in the United States. In their paper, The Risks and Benefits of Sun

Sunless-only Clients Often Eventually Try UV Tanning

Friday, November 25th, 2016

Two-thirds of indoor tanning businesses say that at least some of their sunless-only customers eventually try UV tanning in their salon, a poll found.

According to the poll, 31 percent of tanning businesses say that “many” of their sunless-only …

Train Like a Big Brand With MyTracks

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

Online training, or e-learning, is the future of employee education, and it’s what national corporations in most every industry are using to teach company procedures. In fact, more than 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies are now using educational technology …

Sunshine in the Winter

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016

The full brunt of winter lies ahead. Besides the general gloominess that this brings for much of the country, UVB light for natural vitamin D production is nonexistent or severely limited in most of the U.S during the winter months.…

Study finds boosting vitamin D could save 23,000 Canadians lives, $12.5 billion in healthcare spending

Monday, November 21st, 2016

TORONTO, Ont (November 21, 2016) –  Increasing vitamin D intake could spare 23,000 Canadians premature deaths annually and save Canada $12.5 billion in healthcare spending and associated costs, says a new study on vitamin D deficiency.

The study, published …

Don’t Neglect the Follow-Through

Thursday, November 17th, 2016

By Scott Nichols, UV Utilities

It’s all in the follow-through! If you were to Google the definition of follow-through, it will come up saying “the continuing of an action or task to its conclusion.” In management, I have found the …
