The full brunt of winter lies ahead. Besides the general gloominess that this brings for much of the country, UVB light for natural vitamin D production is nonexistent or severely limited in most of the U.S during the winter months.…
TORONTO, Ont (November 21, 2016) – Increasing vitamin D intake could spare 23,000 Canadians premature deaths annually and save Canada $12.5 billion in healthcare spending and associated costs, says a new study on vitamin D deficiency.
It’s all in the follow-through! If you were to Google the definition of follow-through, it will come up saying “the continuing of an action or task to its conclusion.” In management, I have found the …
A Harvard University dermatology researcher says that “solar-phobes” are taking sun care messages too far, and that people are better off concentration on sunburn prevention rather than sun avoidance.
From an article posted online in the Harvard Medical School Family …
Do you know if your employees are satisfied with their jobs? It’s a scary question if you think about it. Even though most salon owners will admit that they don’t expect their 18-year-old bed cleaner to work part-time forever, few …
Last year, Madison Wirtz had composed a list of everything she would like to see in a tanning salon. She wanted to transform that list into reality, providing a state-of-the-art facility for her community in Victoria, Texas — something it …
Canada’s sun-deprived northerly latitudes mean 90 percent of Canadians will be vitamin D deficient in the winter. That’s why it’s not surprising that regular sunbed users have the highest vitamin D levels of any group in Canada.
Many salons use “Free” Spray Days to attract new customers to their salons or give an opportunity to sunbed customers to try spray tanning. We all know that spray tanning has a reputation that it …