We Are Sunshine

Study Shows that Vitamin D Helps Prevent Falls and Improve Balance

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

By Dr. John Cannell, Vitamin D Council

Much controversy exists around the contention that vitamin D helps prevent falls.

The United States Preventative Task Service Forces says it does and that all elderly women should take vitamin D.

Now, a …

The Beginner’s Guide to Political Involvement

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016

Political involvement can feel intimidating and overwhelming for the small business owner who is already wearing many hats. It’s tough to get out of the daily grind, but the value of protecting the bigger picture is another essential part of …

Natural News: Four Common Sun Exposure Mistakes

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

Prominent natural health advocacy group Natural News advised readers on correcting common mistakes regarding sun exposure in an article on

“The sun is a major healing force and is responsible for sustaining life on this planet,” wrote Natural News …

Our Environment and Spray Tanning

Monday, March 21st, 2016

How can a spray technician in Florida using the same spray tan solution as a Colorado spray technician get a different outcome? The answer is simple — environmental conditions.

Perhaps you live in an area where the weather is hot …

Government Has No Business in Our (Tanning) Beds: U.S. Representative

Friday, March 18th, 2016

The FDA’s proposal to ban teen tanning is unwarranted and disrespectful, Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) writes in an editorial published online Thursday.

“An outright ban on tanning takes away your freedom of choice, treats people like serfs, and is disrespectful,” …

More Salons Are Calling UV Units Sunbeds

Friday, March 18th, 2016

More than 1 in 3 indoor tanning facilities now refer to their UV tanning units as sunbeds — a term that accurately portrays the fact that sunbeds are, above all else, a surrogate for natural sunshine. Less than 1 in …

Don’t Neglect Google’s My Business Service

Thursday, March 17th, 2016

It’s no secret that in today’s society, when someone is looking for information on a business, the first place they go to is Google. Before they ask their friends for recommendations, they’re seeing what Google has to tell them. And …

Submit Your FDA Proposal Comments Before Sunday Deadline

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016

By now you should have received several emails from the American Suntanning Association requesting that you post a comment on two separate FDA websites regarding the recent FDA proposed rules. These emails came with sample comment letters for you to
