We Are Sunshine

New Analysis Confirms Need for Higher RDA of Vitamin D

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

Recently published data indicated that the Food and Nutrition Board made a statistical error when arriving at the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D in 2010.

The statisticians estimated that 8,895 IU daily of vitamin D is needed to get …

Coalition Letter Backs Tan Tax Repeal

Monday, June 29th, 2015

Hundreds of thousands of Americans are represented by a coalition of advocacy groups that last week published an open letter urging Congress to repeal the federal excise tax on indoor tanning.

“The tax violates the President’s promise not to raise …

The Pride of Charleston: Sun Station Tanning Studios

Friday, June 26th, 2015

Before he opened his first full-service tanning salon, Bryan Hipps bought a small airbrushing studio. He worked full-time as an engineer in the wireless industry, but thought that the enticingly affordable venture could be a smart way to diversify without …

Actress, Entrepreneur Lisa Rinna Headlines Smart Tan Nashville

Thursday, June 25th, 2015

Most famous for her roles on “Days of Our Lives” and “Melrose Place,” and more recently on “Celebrity Apprentice” and “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” actress and entrepreneur Lisa Rinna will present the keynote address at the 2015 Smart …

Sunlight is Essential for Human Health: Scientific Consensus Paper

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

A major contributor to a new scientific consensus paper declaring sunlight vital for human health, Dr. Michael Holick, PhD. MD, will discuss the impact of that conclusion and more about the current state and future of UV science in a …

UV, Not Vitamin D, Reduces Weight Gain in New Study

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

UV exposure prevented excessive weight gain in experimental mice, a result that could not be replicated through vitamin D supplementation, in a new study.

Three months of repeated exposure to a non-burning dose of mostly UVB radiation resulted in 30 …

Virtually Painless: Tame your to-do list with virtual assistants

Monday, June 22nd, 2015

In a small business, the success of a company can be directly tied to how much time the leadership has to focus on truly important tasks. When the unreturned emails, bookkeeping, social media posts and sales reports keep lingering on …

Tans for Turtles: Minnesota Aquarium Installs New Tanning Lights

Friday, June 19th, 2015

“Tanning is not just for people,” a recent article from a Minneapolis NBC affiliate begins. Turtles need their time in the sun, too.

SEA LIFE Minnesota Aquarium in the Mall of America has installed a new “tanning light system” to …
