We Are Sunshine

Tanning’s Newest Faces

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

Meet the latest additions to Smart Tan and the industry

When tanners hear negative stories about UV exposure, you are the professionals who show them that there is another side to the story. And when you hear negative stories about …

Natural Vitamin D Levels 46 ng/ml: Study

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

A first-of-its-kind study of vitamin D levels among those whose outdoor lifestyles give us the best clues of what is natural for humans supports the contention that regular tanners have natural vitamin D levels and non-tanners are falling far short.…

Elements of Social Media Success

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

Everybody’s using social media to promote their businesses these days, but not everybody’s doing it right, the article “5 Essential Social Media Stages” explains. Social media success won’t come from haphazard posts – just like marketing that you pay …

Salon Employees Go Through Extensive Training: Poll

Tuesday, March 17th, 2015

In a poll, 40 percent of indoor tanning businesses said each employee is trained for at least 30 hours.

Ten percent of salons said their employees go through 20 to 30 hours of training, 29 percent answered 10 to …

Ontario Salon is All About U

Monday, March 16th, 2015

When opportunity comes knocking,, it takes a trained ear to hear it. Andy Boznar, after years of fine-tuning his entrepreneurial instances, kept his ear to the ground for such activity, and was lucky enough to hear when it knocked at …

Congratulations to Swedish Beauty Gives Back Contest Winners!

Friday, March 13th, 2015

It’s that time of year again! The 3rd annual Swedish Beauty Gives Back campaign has concluded and the Swedish Beauty team could not be more excited to partner with salons for charitable causes. Last year, Swedish Beauty worked closely with …

Five Steps to Superstar Sales

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

To many people, sales is a dirty word. As much as people hate selling, they hate being sold to even more. But with the image of a hefty commission check wafting in the distance, many salon employees are looking for …

Smart Tan Is Right: Ackerman

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

The research dermatologist largely credited for founding pathology procedures used in dermatology — dermatopathology — agrees with Smart Tan’s position that sunburn, not sun exposure, is the UV-related risk factor for melanoma and that over-the-top anti-UV messages are harmful.

“Smart …
