We Are Sunshine

Sunshine Vitamin Limits Lung Disease Flare-ups: Study

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

Vitamin D can reduce symptom flare-ups from COPD, diseases such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis, by 40 percent, according to a new study from Queen Mary University of London.

As reported by Medical Xpress, vitamin D deficient patients saw a …

Don’t Miss Upgrade Sales Opportunities

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

In a poll last year, most indoor tanning businesses said more of their clients purchase upgrades individually at each visit, as opposed to prepaid packages or higher-level upgrade EFTs.

Forty-four percent of salons say that most of their customers …

Sunbed Use Part of Legendary Soccer Manager’s Winning Strategy

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

Players getting vitamin D from sunbeds was part of the winning strategy of one of the world’s all-time great soccer managers, according to a 2012 study conducted by the Harvard School of Business.

“At a successful club like Manchester United, …

‘Lil Bit’ Visits Virginia Salons

Monday, December 1st, 2014

On October 22nd 2014, Taylor “Lil Bit” Wright visited Devoted Creations exclusive salon chain, Sunday’s Blue Box Tanning Resort in Virginia.

Sundays Pic 1

Devoted Creations and Taylor recently teamed up to launch an exclusive line of Tanning Lotions and Moisturizers which she

Get Your Staff in the Holiday Spirit

Friday, November 28th, 2014

While it’s easy to get excited thinking about the holidays — special treats, music, and plenty of celebrations — the enthusiasm tends to flicker out when it comes to working during this busy time of year. This is even truer …

Low Vitamin D Increases Death Risk, New Study Suggests

Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

New research published in the British Medical Journal adds credibility to the theory that having low vitamin D levels is a cause of higher death risk, the New York Times reports. Observational studies have previously identified the correlation between low …

MyTracks Lets You Train Like a Big Brand

Tuesday, November 25th, 2014

Online training,or e-learning, is the future of employee education, and it’s what national corporations in most every industry are using to teach company procedures. In fact, more than 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies are now using educational technology for …

Vitamin D’s Effect on Muscle Strength Throughout the Body

Saturday, November 22nd, 2014

By Amber Tovey, Vitamin D Council

A recent meta-analysis of controlled trials published in Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport suggests that vitamin D supplementation increases both lower and upper limb muscle strength.

As you may know, vitamin D’s …
