There are so many “buzzwords” out there that people supposedly love to hear, and new trendy ones appearing all the time, but the article “The 3 Words Your Customers Love Most” recommends sticking with the classics. There’s nothing surprising …
While some might try to convince you otherwise, we all know that humans naturally need, crave, and relish sun exposure. Case in point: It took more than 100 years to accomplish, but one Norwegian town last year completed its mission …
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued its final order reclassifying tanning beds as class II medical devices. Although some deem the ruling as controversial, many leaders assert that the change was not unexpected since the FDA published new …
Political involvement can feel intimidating and overwhelming for the small business owner who is already wearing many hats. It’s tough to get out of the daily grind, but the value of protecting the bigger picture is another essential part of …
Those with higher vitamin D levels after surgery were more likely to survive colorectal cancer in a recent study published in the Journal of Oncology, the Vitamin D Council reports. Colorectal cancer is the third most common type of …
Filling a vacant supervisory position by promoting a current employee typically makes for a smoother transition than bringing in someone totally new to the business, but it definitely still comes with its own challenges.…
Smart Tan CEO Matt Russell had the opportunity to visit the central office and manufacturing facility for industry leading sunbed developer KBL AG this April in Dernbach, Germany. Accompanied by KBL CEO Christina Lorenz and Susan Miller, CEO of PC …
For many small businesses, blogging seems like a great idea, but few follow through to create a virtual space that’s beneficial both for their marketing presence and their customers. Because so many businesses fail to invest the time and effort, …