We Are Sunshine

Consider Soft Skills Too When Hiring

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

It’s important to not only hire for what someone can do, but for personal attributes as well, the Time Business article “When Hiring, Evaluate Soft Skills for Hard Gains” explains. Hiring a new employee is always a risky endeavor. No …

The Picasso of Productivity: Erik Wahl speaks from the art

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

It might be easy to think of this year’s Smart Tan Downtown keynote as an artist, a public speaker or an entrepreneur — but “or” is not a word that suits Erik Wahl well. More aptly described using the word …

More than Half of Salons Have 10+ UV Units: Poll

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013

In a recent poll, 56 percent of salons said they have ten or more UV tanning units.

The most respondents, 26 percent, said they have 15 or more tanning units in their salon.

The large segment of salons with …

Facebook Launches Tool to Make Advertising Easier

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

With its new Facebook for Business resource, the social media giant hopes to help small businesses identify and utilize the Facebook advertising options that work best for them. The many promotional options Facebook now offers can be confusing, especially to …

Study Suggests Sunlight, Not Vitamin D, Eases MS Symptoms

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

In a new study, sun exposure was significantly associated with less severe fatigue and depression in those with Multiple Sclerosis, while vitamin D levels were not significantly correlated with either symptom, the Vitamin D Council reports.

“This present study is …

Leaving So Soon? How to improve employee retention

Monday, August 5th, 2013

Do you know if your employees are satisfied with their jobs? It’s a scary question if you think about it. Even though most salon owners will admit that they don’t expect their 18-year-old bed cleaner to work part-time forever, few …

Sales and UV Tanning Certifications Available in Nashville

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

For the first time, Smart Tan Sales Training will be offered in a classroom setting on Friday Nov. 8 at Smart Tan Downtown in Nashville.

This certification teaches your employees how to propose a product and service mix, explain the …

Know Your Numbers: Simple metrics to monitor

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

As the article “7 Simple Numbers That Will Grow Your Business explains, business is a numbers game, and to effectively manage the numbers you need to measure them first. Understand these simple metrics in order to recognize how you …
