We Are Sunshine

Forbes Article: Government Stealing Freedoms

Monday, December 10th, 2012

In an op-ed piece for, business and political management firm CEO Kellen Guida cites restrictions on indoor tanning as one of many examples of politicians overstepping boundaries and unnecessarily limiting the freedoms of Americans.

“In 2011 over 40,000 laws …

Body & Sol: ‘Tan for a Can’ Event

Friday, December 7th, 2012

Body & Sol Tanning — an 8-salon chain of Smart Tan member facilities located in Virginia — is spreading holiday cheer this December with a “Tan for a Can” promotion to collect food for needy families in Body & Sol’s …

Make or Break:
The impact of online reviews

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

Understand the effect that online reviews can have on your business and what you can do to manage them, with information from the article, “How Online Reviews Make (or Break) Your Business.” More and more consumers are going to …

New Study: Genetics, Not UV,
Are the Biggest Skin Risk Factor

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

Another study is concluding that a person’s genetic propensity for sunburn and skin damage are bigger risk factors than UV exposure itself for skin cancer, reported on its web site Wednesday.

The story looks at a study conducted by …

Upselling and Cross Selling:
Enhance profits and the customer experience

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Pursue add-on sales opportunities in a manner that will enhance, not degrade, the customer experience, with the help of advice from the Yahoo! Small Business Advisor Blog article “4 Tips for Sales Upselling and Cross Selling.” It’s important to try …

Fabutan’s McNabb Steps Down

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Stepping down from day-to-day management of the tanning franchise he’s led since 1992, Fabutan’s Doug McNabb announced this week that company vice president Mat Rockey has taken over as president of the salon franchise, allowing McNabb to focus on industry …

Bloomberg Tanning Story Cited
No Tanning Industry Sources At All

Tuesday, December 4th, 2012

A Bloomberg News story about indoor tanning published Sunday included all the talking points from the American Academy of Dermatology Association’s anti-UV lobbying docket, but interviewed no sources from within the tanning community.

“I was a consumer journalist in the …

Now and Then:
From beauty fix to dream job

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

For owner Jennie Rebellato, tanning began as preparation for a special event and grew into her dream career.

Like many high school girls, Jennie tried on her homecoming dress and decided that a tan would be the perfect accessory. She …
