We Are Sunshine

Study: UV Suppresses MS Symptoms

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

A University of Wisconsin study suggests that UV exposure, totally independent of vitamin D production, suppresses an animal model of multiple sclerosis — another indication that UV exposure’s positive influence extends well beyond vitamin D production.

Researchers, including University of …

10-Minute Guide to SEO

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Think you don’t have the time to understand the complexities of search engine optimization? Well, if you’ve got 10 spare minutes you can get a good start with the video “SEO for startups in under 10 minutes” from Google. Who …

SPF Prevents ‘D’ Production: Study

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

A Danish dermatology group reported that using the amount of sunscreen health officials recommend will completely block vitamin D production — adding to the volume of studies showing that SPF over-use will deprive people of natural vitamin D production.

“When …

No Sweat! We Sanitize It Anyway!

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Everyone knows professional tanning facilities sanitize sunbeds before every session — cleanliness is, after all, the number one thing a client looks for in a salon. And since most salons also give clients a laundered personal towel for their own …

Get More Done With Smarter To-Do Lists

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

A recent article from Yahoo! Small Business Advisor, “Make the most of your to do list,” compiled the best advice on making and using to-do lists. As small business owners and operators, you may feel like there’s never enough hours …

Natural Society: FDA Hiding Sunscreen Risks

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

A leading natural health advocacy group has accused the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of knowing about potential risks in many over-the-counter sunscreen products for more than a decade while doing nothing to warn consumers.

The Natural Society — a …

Blast Better With These Email Marketing Tips

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

Improve the efficiency of your salon’s email blasts with tips from the article “Email Marketing: 6 Tricks for Better Results.” contributor Michael Mothner describes email marketing to your company’s customer list as “one of the most overlooked avenues …

Smart Tan Right On Melanoma: Derm

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

A highly decorated figure in the dermatology community endorsed the International Smart Tan Network’s position on sunlight and moderate UV exposure as “fair and balanced” in his latest book.

Dr. Bernard Ackerman, an award-winning professor of dermatology who is considered …
