NBC News’ Today Show slammed the marketing of sunscreen products, pointing out that there’s no evidence that SPF products higher than SPF 50 protect you any better.
“Some doctors call these ultra-high SPF numbers a misleading marketing ploy. If you …
More than four out of every 10 tanning facility owners say they will be purchasing new tanning equipment for their salons in the next 12 months, according to a SmartTan.com poll conducted in August.
Facebook’s new page layout provides a new opportunity for creative marketers to further engage users, as described in the article “5 Ways to Transform Facebook Page Apps into Free Advertisements” from Entrepreneur.com.
Contributor Thomas Meloche explains how to effectively turn …
“The dogma, now fossilized in print, is that any tan is a sign of skin damage. Tell that to Darwin. Pigmented melanocytes in the skin are a system that protects it from excessive UV, which evolved long before the advent …
A recent article from Inc.com contributor Geoffrey James, “Easy Trick to Avoid a Price War,” offers this simple tip for pricing: Instead of lowering your prices to become more competitive, turn your competitor’s lower price into a competitive disadvantage.
A Danish dermatology group reported that using the amount of sunscreen health officials recommend will completely block vitamin D production — adding to the volume of studies showing that SPF over-use will deprive people of natural vitamin D production.
“Nature has intended us to get vitamin D almost exclusively from sun exposure.” — Dr. Charles Fuchs, Dan Farber Cancer Institute, as told to WPRI in Providence, Rhode Island.
Fuchs’ comment appeared in a story titled, “Vitamin D deficiency linked …
Whenever I speak at tanning conferences, I inevitably meet many struggling tanning salon owners leasing commercial or retail space. These tenants desperately need a rent reduction — now. Your monthly rental payment to the landlord …