We Are Sunshine

Did Mayo Derms Intend to Mislead?

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

A one-county study promoted by Mayo Clinic dermatologists in early April spawned headlines in the national news media suggesting that melanoma is increasing faster in women than it is in men — a false conclusion the study’s own data didn’t …

Don’t Say This To Your Customers

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

Great customer service is the key to customer loyalty and a growing business. Provide bad service and you may lose a customer for life. Ron Burley from gives insight to the top five phrases customers hate hearing and offers …

Quote of the Week:
UV’s Disputed Melanoma Link

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

“Less than three-tenths of 1 percent who tanned frequently developed melanoma while less than two-tenths of 1 percent who didn’t tan developed melanoma.” — from the article, “Tanning Beds: What Do The Numbers Really Mean” by Dr. Ivan Oransky, editor …

Teach Your Clients Smart Skin Typing

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

Teaching your employees how to analyze and identify client skin types with Smart Tan’s Skin Type System™ has always been a cornerstone of Smart Tan’s UV Tanning Certification for your employees. Showing your clients what it means is the subject …

Crisis Averted?

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

Fox Small Business Center has compiled five fundamentals all small businesses should be aware of, as small businesses aren’t immune to the occasional crisis – like bad word of mouth or an employee theft gone public. Here are five ways …

Lack of Sun Causes Rickets: Study

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

Sunlight deprivation among Sudanese refugee children re-located to less-sunny parts of southern Australia has led to skyrocketing incidence of rickets — further evidence that sunlight deprivation is the main reason rickets is returning in the population.

“There was a seasonal …

Heart Disease Linked to Low ‘D’

Friday, April 20th, 2012

Yet another study has linked low levels of “The Sunshine Vitamin” with higher rates of heart disease and early death.

University of Kansas researchers, looking at more than 10,000 patients, found that 70 percent were vitamin D deficient and that …

Tanning Reports Strong 2012 1Q

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

Nearly 7 of 10 indoor tanning businesses reported stronger sales for the first quarter of 2012 than the same quarter last year according to a poll conducted in April — another sign that the retail economy is continuing to …
