We Are Sunshine

‘D’ Lowers Pneumonia Mortality: Study

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011


Hospitalized pneumonia patients with severe vitamin D deficiency were more than 12 times more likely to die from pneumonia while hospitalized than those who have average levels of ‘The Sunshine Vitamin’ according to research published this month in the peer-reviewed …

Study Links ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ With Sperm Health

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

Male sexual health may be improved with vitamin D and sun exposure, University of Copenhagen researchers reported this week — another reason researchers are saying that overzealous sun avoidance is unnatural and has potential negative side effects.

2010-04-23 High Sperm Count copy“Would-be fathers should …

CTV Report: Most Canadians Need Sun

Friday, May 20th, 2011

Canada’s CTV Television Network ran a report Thursday acknowledging that most Canadians are vitamin D deficient and that getting some sunshine is the best way to replenish vitamin D stores.

2011-05-20 Canadians need sun copy“With sunny skies and rising temperatures in the forecast for …

Devoted Creations Training Event

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

Devoted Creations held a salon training event on March 21st 2011 at their corporate offices in Oldsmar, FL. It was attended by seven different Florida tanning salons with a total of 25 attendees. Salon owners and

operators were educated by …

Dermatology Leader Wrong On ‘D’ Math

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

“Most people can get their daily fill of vitamin D by drinking a cup of milk and eating a 3-ounce serving of salmon.” — Dr. Susan Y Chon, dermatologist at the MD Anderson Cancer Canter at the University of Texas, …

Another Doctor: Sun Is Not Your Enemy

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

A New York primary care doctor joined a growing list of health-care experts who are calling out “Sun Scare” as dangerous, instead encouraging people to embrace UV exposure as natural and intended.

2011-05-18 Love the sun copy“Living in Western New York is a bit …

‘Sun Scare’ Story Falsifies Cancer Stats

Tuesday, May 17th, 2011


‘Sun Scare’ leaders are twisting statistics about skin cancer in order to scare people away from sunlight. and MyHealthNewsDaily ran an article Monday claiming that young people should be afraid of indoor tanning because melanoma mortality is increasing — …

British Derms Are Embracing Sunshine

Monday, May 16th, 2011

The British dermatology industry—which has produced peer-reviewed papers in the past year showing that melanoma incidence is not really increasing, but is merely an increase in the diagnosis of thinner 100 percent curable lesions—is stepping up to the plate and …
