We Are Sunshine

Red Light Therapy: This Red Light Means Go

Friday, April 15th, 2011

By Kirstin Genthner

When I’m driving in the car with my preschooler, he points out every traffic light. At each intersection, he reminds me that “Red means stop and green means go.” I don’t really mind having a back seat …

Member of the Month: Cabana Tan in Victoria, British Columbia

Friday, April 15th, 2011

By Will Dias

In September of 2000, Angie Woodhead took a look around her town of Victoria, B.C. and noticed a glaring absence. There wasn’t a salon that was educating clients about the proper way to tan.

“My idea was …

Together We Can “D-Feat” Breast Cancer!

Friday, April 15th, 2011

By Matt Russell

Many people are aware that I started the “D-Feat Breast Cancer” campaign for the Vitamin D Foundation three years ago because it made sense for our industry. With indoor tanning equipment being the most reliable and effective …

Even Southern Teens are ‘D’ Deficient

Friday, April 15th, 2011

A study in the journal Pediatrics has revealed widespread vitamin D deficiency in teenagers in the American South — challenging the Dermatology industry’s assertion that incidental UV exposure is plenty to make adequate vitamin D.

southernteensThe study — published in …

‘D’ from Sunshine Works Better: Holick

Thursday, April 14th, 2011

“When you ingest vitamin D, only about 60 percent of it sticks to vitamin D-binding protein, but when you make vitamin D in your skin, 100 percent binds to the protein.” — Dr. Michael F. Holick, vitamin D research pioneer …

‘D’ Cuts Heart Risk in African-Americans

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

Another study shows that vitamin D cuts the risk of cardiovascular disease — North America’s leading cause of death. This time the study looked at African Americans, the group most likely to be vitamin D deficient.

2011-04-13 African American Couple copy“Call it a bit …

Non-Tanners Sunburn More Often: Poll

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

2011-04-12 copyNineteen out of 20 indoor tanning facility owners say that their indoor tanning clients sunburn less often on spring break when compared to non-tanners, according to the results of a poll conducted in April.

According to the poll, 95 …

UV Linked to Lower Endometrial Cancer Risk

Monday, April 11th, 2011

A study in Sweden has found that women who used sunbeds had up to a 50 percent reduction in endometrial cancer risk, according to EmpowHer. The observational study, conducted by Dr. Elisabeth Epstein, looked at 17,822 post-menopausal women who were …
