The iDome from uwe sets a new standard for stand ups. Exciting design and exterior illumination create a colorful light show in six colors and that’s just for starters. Other remarkable features include aroma therapy, Misty Breeze, Swing Technology and …
When I’m driving in the car with my preschooler, he points out every traffic light. At each intersection, he reminds me that “Red means stop and green means go.” I don’t really mind having a back seat …
In September of 2000, Angie Woodhead took a look around her town of Victoria, B.C. and noticed a glaring absence. There wasn’t a salon that was educating clients about the proper way to tan.
Many people are aware that I started the “D-Feat Breast Cancer” campaign for the Vitamin D Foundation three years ago because it made sense for our industry. With indoor tanning equipment being the most reliable and effective …
A study in the journal Pediatrics has revealed widespread vitamin D deficiency in teenagers in the American South — challenging the Dermatology industry’s assertion that incidental UV exposure is plenty to make adequate vitamin D.
“When you ingest vitamin D, only about 60 percent of it sticks to vitamin D-binding protein, but when you make vitamin D in your skin, 100 percent binds to the protein.” — Dr. Michael F. Holick, vitamin D research pioneer …
Another study shows that vitamin D cuts the risk of cardiovascular disease — North America’s leading cause of death. This time the study looked at African Americans, the group most likely to be vitamin D deficient.
Nineteen out of 20 indoor tanning facility owners say that their indoor tanning clients sunburn less often on spring break when compared to non-tanners, according to the results of a poll conducted in April.