We Are Sunshine

UV Linked to Lower Endometrial Cancer Risk

Monday, April 11th, 2011

A study in Sweden has found that women who used sunbeds had up to a 50 percent reduction in endometrial cancer risk, according to EmpowHer. The observational study, conducted by Dr. Elisabeth Epstein, looked at 17,822 post-menopausal women who were …

NaturalNews Likes ‘D-Feat’ Campaign

Monday, April 11th, 2011


The D-Feat Breast Cancer campaign — introduced in 2007 as a way for tanning facilities to encourage their clients to learn more about research into vitamin D and cancer prevention — has captured mainstream attention this year, with health education …

Tanning Company on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’

Friday, April 8th, 2011

An indoor tanning supplier’s SPF products will be featured on NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice” program Sunday, April 10 in a way company officials believe will help promote a balanced message about sunshine that mass-market pharmaceutical SPF brands have long-since abandoned.agceleb

“We …

‘D’ Reduces Breast Cancer: Clinical Study

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

A Georgetown University clinical study has added to the already-impressive number of studies showing that higher vitamin D blood levels reduce a woman’s risk of breast cancer by as much as 85 percent, and the new study is getting media …

Cosmetic Co. Says Sunscreen ‘A Plastic Bag’

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

“Almost 99% of the vitamin D we make comes from sun exposure. With the overuse of SPF, Americans are becoming more vitamin D deprived, resulting in an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and PMS symptoms. In addition to the

Do You Know Your Vitamin D Level?

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Sunbed users have 90 percent higher vitamin D blood levels than the general population, according to a Boston University study. But chances are, most don’t actually know what their vitamin D level is. Do you?

2011-04-05 Do You Know Your Vitamin D Level copy“Vitamin D is ‘The Sunshine …

Could Your Facebook be Deleted?

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Many indoor tanning retailers, eager to get in on the Facebook action, have rushed to build a presence on the site only to realize that the profile they made for their business is actually intended for personal use. This can …

Sun & D Need To Be Accepted

Monday, April 4th, 2011

North American’s widest-read natural health expert says vitamin D from regular sun exposure is the number one advancement in anti-cancer research that needs to be accepted by the entire medical community.

2011-04-04 D copyDr. Joseph Mercola, in his regular newsletter on, …
