We Are Sunshine

Stossel Headlines Smart Tan Nashville Convention

Monday, March 28th, 2011

John Stossel — North America’s most-celebrated consumer exposé journalist whose “Give Us A Break” segments and best-selling books blow the whistle on consumer fraud — will be the keynote speaker at Smart Tan’s 2011 Convention and Trade Show in Downtown …

Tanning 1st Quarter Results: Optimism

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Half of all indoor tanning businesses are reporting better-than-expected results in the first quarter of 2011, according to a poll conducted this week.

According to the poll, 50 percent are reporting better-than-expected business performance for the fdoingwell325irst three …

Avoiding Sun Riskier Than Too Much: Essay

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

2011-03-24 Soak up sun copyA fashion industry blogger posted this week that sunscreen over-use has gone overboard and that avoiding the sun is riskier to your health than getting too much sun.

Marta Wohrle, a regular contributor to Truth In Aging, posted the essay …

AAP: Avoid Oxybenzone Sunscreens

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

The American Academy of Pediatrics new policy statement on UV exposure — which has received media attention for suggesting that those under age 18 should not be permitted to use commercial sunbeds — also includes language suggesting that most chemical …

Social Media Influences Opinion

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

A new report published by has found that online consumer reviews and social media sites have a larger role in a small businesses reputation than its own website. The marketing firm Marchex collected data from search results of 150 …

NCI Admits ‘Sun Scare’ Lacks Proof

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

The U.S. National Cancer Institute — in bold type on an a section added to its web site in June 2010 — admits that there is no evidence that avoiding sunlight or sunbeds actually decreases the risk of skin cancer.…

Consumer Group Exposes Sunscreen Myths

Monday, March 21st, 2011

A Washington, D.C., consumer group is reminding consumers that mis-use (over-use) of chemical sunscreen will lead to vitamin D deficiency and may actually contribute to an increase in skin cancer rates.

2011-03-21 Consumer Group Exposes Sunscreen Myths copyThe non-profit Environmental Working Group — perhaps the world’s …

Sunbed Centers Turn on the ‘Red Light’

Friday, March 18th, 2011

More than seven out of 10 indoor tanning business owners say they are considering adding “red light therapy” equipment into their studios in 2011, according to the results of a poll conducted this month.redlightherapy

According to the poll, 71 …
