Tanningtruth.com is now sporting a brand new, completely overhauled design. You and your customers will now enjoy a sleek and easy to navigate Web site as you access vital information about tanning and the “sun scare” industry working to undermine …
Internet marketing is moving fast and it is leaving some small businesses behind. According to an article on ReadWriteWeb.com, businesses that don’t update their Web sites regularly or integrate social media tools are missing out on a large amount of …
Only 30 percent of indoor tanning facilities report using Yellow Pages advertising to promote their businesses, according to a SmartTan.com poll conducted in February — a finding in lock-step with the movement to social media and on-line search vehicles for …
Making strange headlines this week, the American Academy of Dermatology acknowledged that some evidence now suggests that vitamin D — the sunshine vitamin — may in some instances be protective against melanoma just as it appears to be protective against …
Girls aged 11-12 aren’t getting enough vitamin D and need more than recent recommendations have suggested, a study published this month in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports.
“In the new study, published in the American Journal of …
Smart Tan Magazine this month takes a look at the salon industry’s biggest up-and-comer this year: red light therapy. Industry experts Eric Haynes from PC Marketing/uwe, Melissa Ball from Heartland Tanning and Jerry Deveney from JK-North America offer tips on …
Almost half of sunbed centers say that more doctors are utilizing tanning services in the past year according to a SmartTan.com survey — another indication that many in the medical community are catching on to a balanced message about UV …
Thousands of news reports continue to suggest that “sun tanning is as dangerous as tobacco” because UV and cigarettes are both considered carcinogens. But the comparison is a blatant misrepresentation.
Smoker’s risk of lung cancer: 15 percent — or 2,000