We Are Sunshine

Salons Still Haven’t Been Contacted About 10% Tax

Friday, June 11th, 2010

2010-06-11 tan tax copyThe U.S. federal government still hasn’t contacted tanning business owners with specifics about how to collect the 10 percent luxury tax on indoor tanning that Congress included in Health Care legislation passed earlier this year, according to a poll …

Supplements Not Delivering ‘D’: New Study

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

2010-06-10 vitamin d supplements copyThe average vitamin D content in 10 over-the-counter vitamin D supplements is only one-third what the label claims, according to a study presented at a medical conference in San Antonio this week.

The study — called “small but carefully done” …

FDA Loses Suit About Health Claims

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

2010-06-09 FDA Loses Suit copyWill a U.S. District Court ruling slapping the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for censoring scientifically backed claims about the cancer-fighting properties of the mineral selenium mean anything to those who would like to promote the positive effects of UV …

Sunscreen Claim Contradicts Derm Mantra

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

2010-06-08 Quote of the Week SPF 100 copyA new television ad for Aveeno’s new SPF 100+ sunscreen products ends with the statement, “Sun protection works stronger, so you can play longer” — contradicting one of dermatology’s statements that SPFs should not be used to allow people to …

Non-tanners Getting Sunburns: Survey

Monday, June 7th, 2010

2010-06-07 Memorial Day Weekend copyOne of the professional tanning industry’s main points — that non-tanners are more susceptible to severe sunburns when they eventually do go outdoors on holidays and weekends — was on main display during the U.S. Memorial Day weekend holiday, and …

Derm Lies About Skin Cancer Numbers

Friday, June 4th, 2010

2010-06-04 Derl lies about numbers copyAn Anchorage dermatologist, arguing that the 10 percent U.S. luxury tax on indoor tanning set to go into effect July 1 will “save lives,” misrepresented facts about vitamin D and skin cancer to make his point on an Anchorage television …

One Cool Cat: Soul Brotha from Hippie

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

jun_10_sd_hippieHippie has progressed to beatnik with its “Peaked Maximizen’ Serum,” Soul Brotha.

A Soul Brotha is a cool cat who’s always lookin’ to get his groove (or in this case, his tan) on. And that’s exactly what this maximizer will …

Tan Incorporated Releases 2011 Brown Sugar Island Princess

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

jun_10_inspiredTan Incorporated’s new 2011 Brown Sugar Island Princess is poised to set a new trend for the tanning industry. Working on a hunch, the manufacturers decided to release Island Princess early and they’re glad they did……..FULL STORY
