We Are Sunshine

You are a Better Manager Than you Realize

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

My father taught me a few very valuable lessons about business and life.


1. You can learn from a fool. Some of the best ideas are the simplest ideas. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes that looks at things from …

Through Good and Bad: A Salon History

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

5-10_behindI purchased my 10-year-old salon in January 2006 and my first year ended with the awful discovery that four employees were letting family and friends tan for free over a nine-month time frame. I felt betrayed, angry and stupid for …

Five Steps to Increased Sales

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

5-10_ask_trainer1. Personality: Increased sales comes down to one thing- connecting with your customers. It is vital that we prepare our staff right from the day of hire to interact with the customers. I honestly tell owners to hire based on …

Government and Tanning Salons

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

5-10_canadaEver since the IARC Report came out last year the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) and the Canadian Dermatology Association (CDA) have been turning up the heat in PR campaigns to get regulations for the tanning industry……FULL STORY

Bigger, Badder, Smarter!

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

More exhibits, more parties and more to learn Oct. 22-24 at Smart Tan’s 15th Annual Convention in Downtown Nashville


Coming out of two years that can, at best, be remembered as the most challenging small business climate in modern North …

Member of the Month: HeatWave Tanning

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

5-10_momThe best career advice I’ve ever heard is this: “Figure out what you love to do. Then find a way to get paid for it.” Brian and Bridget Callender must have heard the same thing. Until 2003, both of them …

What’s next with the federal “tan tax?”

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

Although passage of federal health care reform legislation means a 10 percent federal tax on all UV indoor tanning services will go into effect July 1, no one in the federal government is talking about how they will even collect …

Know the Facts About Melanoma

Monday, May 3rd, 2010


The North American dermatology community typically targets the month of May to discuss melanoma awareness. And while sun awareness and sunburn prevention are important topics, dermatology’s melanoma awareness campaigns generally ignore important points. There arguably is more misinformation about skin …
