We Are Sunshine

HEADLINE STORY: New study suggests 2 of 3 children in the United States don’t get enough D

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

OCT. 28, 2009 — Two thirds of children in the United States are vitamin D deficient, according to a study published this week in the medical journal Pediatrics.…

Cosmetic dermatology should pay for its role in increasing vitamin D deficiency, Smart Tan poll

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

OCT. 27, 2009 — Cosmetic dermatology should be held accountable for its role in creating epidemic-level vitamin D deficiency in North America today by preaching ill-advised over-the-top sun avoidance, members of the professional indoor tanning community said in a …

HEADLINE STORY: Cosmetic dermatology should pay for its role in increasing vitamin D deficiency, Smart Tan poll

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

OCT. 27, 2009 — Cosmetic dermatology should be held accountable for its role in creating epidemic-level vitamin D deficiency in North America today by preaching ill-advised over-the-top sun avoidance, members of the professional indoor tanning community said in a …

Ontario’s Tracey McKone Honored With 2009 Smart Tan Award

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

OCT. 26, 2009 — Canadian tanning facility owner Tracey McKone, of Endless Summer in Mitchell, Ontario, is this year’s recipient of the Smart Tan Award, presented in the opening general session at Smart Tan Downtown Oct. 10.…

HEADLINE STORY: Ontario’s Tracey McKone Honored With 2009 Smart Tan Award

Monday, October 26th, 2009

OCT. 26, 2009 — Canadian tanning facility owner Tracey McKone, of Endless Summer in Mitchell, Ontario, is this year’s recipient of the Smart Tan Award, presented in the opening general session at Smart Tan Downtown Oct. 10.…

ACS bombshell admits cancers are being over-diagnosed. Melanoma could lead the list.

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

OCT. 22, 2009 — An American Cancer Society bombshell declaring that cancer screenings themselves are responsible for over-diagnosis of cancer most likely applies more to skin cancer diagnosis than any other cancer.

“Over-diagnosis” of cancer — the practice of calling …

HEADLINE STORY: ACS bombshell admits cancers are being over-diagnosed. Melanoma could lead the list.

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

OCT. 22, 2009 — An American Cancer Society bombshell declaring that cancer screenings themselves are responsible for over-diagnosis of cancer most likely applies more to skin cancer diagnosis than any other cancer.

“Over-diagnosis” of cancer — the practice of calling …

Most tanning suppliers are doing their jobs, survey shows

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

OCTOBER 21, 2009 — Nearly 9 of 10 tanning business owners are satisfied with the level of service they receive from their tanning suppliers, according to a poll conducted in October — a good indication that the players in …
