We Are Sunshine

Ask the Trainer: Handling “touchy” subjects

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Q: We have a relatively new customer who is quite heavy and has been coming in on a twice-weekly basis to tan. She seems to be a loyal customer and we don’t want to offend her in any way, but …

Member of the Month: The Midas Touch Golden Tans

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Deep in the heart of Kansas there resides a tanning salon rich with family ties and steeped in smart business practices. The Midas Touch Golden Tans salon is in Emporia, Kansas – the hometown for owners Darrell Ringler and his …

What’s Up Canada?

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Salon owners have started out this year concerned about the drop in their annual “pre-tanners.” Clients who would normally book their vacations weeks in advance are now waiting for last minute deals because of the economy, therefore not allowing themselves …

Optimism and the Lipstick Effect: No-Smear Tips for Surviving ’09

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

When the National Bureau of Economic Research officially declared in November that the U.S. was in a recession, most in the tanning industry said, “Duh.”
News of a recession was not a big surprise; many salons began feeling the pinch …

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: 5 in 6 salons have clients who tan for therapeutic reasons

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

More than 5 out of 6 tanning salon owners say they have clients whose main reasons for tanning are therapeutic according to a survey conducted in January, proving once again that the tanning experience is about much more than …

Scientific American Looks at Michael Holick Firing 5 Years Later

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Scientific American this month took a look at the curious case of Vitamin D pioneer Dr. Michael Holick who was fired from the Boston University Dermatology Department five years ago this month for daring to suggest that regular UV light …

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: Scientific American Looks at Michael Holick Firing 5 Years Later

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

Scientific American this month took a look at the curious case of Vitamin D pioneer Dr. Michael Holick who was fired from the Boston University Dermatology Department five years ago this month for daring to suggest that regular UV light …

Getting Regular Sunshine

Monday, February 2nd, 2009

US News & World Report child-health columnist Nancy Shute wrote a column encouraging parents to increase vitamin D intake for children, but repeated errors about “The Sunshine Vitamin” made by a nutritionist.…
