We Are Sunshine

Big Dermatology’s misguided anti-sun message is coming under scrutiny.

Friday, December 19th, 2008

The dermatology profession worldwide is struggling to extricate itself from years of sun abstinence messaging, one of Great Britain’s most prolific vitamin D experts told London’s Herald newspaper this week.…

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: Big Dermatology’s misguided anti-sun message is coming under scrutiny.

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

The dermatology profession worldwide is struggling to extricate itself from years of sun abstinence messaging, one of Great Britain’s most prolific vitamin D experts told London’s Herald newspaper this week.…

Internet’s #1 Health Care Site Promotes “The Sunshine Vitamin”

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

The leading provider of health care news on the internet has published a free one-hour video on his web site promoting sun exposure and vitamin D as the most impactful health care leap in recent years.…

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: Internet’s #1 Health Care Site Promotes “The Sunshine Vitamin”

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

The leading provider of health care news on the internet has published a free one-hour video on his web site promoting sun exposure and vitamin D as the most impactful health care leap in recent years.…

‘Sunshine Vitamin’ stories are everywhere this season

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

Two major newspapers on Monday featured prominent vitamin D stories strongly encouraging everyone to get more vitamin D.

The Edmonton Sun featured an interview article with independent sunlight and tanning advocate Dr. Marc Sorenson — the author of “Vitamin D3 …

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ stories are everywhere this season

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Two major newspapers on Monday featured prominent vitamin D stories strongly encouraging everyone to get more vitamin D.

The Edmonton Sun featured an interview article with independent sunlight and tanning advocate Dr. Marc Sorenson — the author of “Vitamin D3 …

2 Florida Women Awarded $1 million for Exposing Florida dermatologist’s Fraud

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

The U.S. Justice Department awarded a $1 million “whistle blower” award to two Florida women whose lawsuit led to the conviction of a Florida dermatologist who had bilked the Medicare system by removing non-cancerous skin lesions and calling them cancer.…

TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: 2 Florida Women Awarded $1 million for Exposing Florida dermatologist’s Fraud

Monday, December 15th, 2008

The U.S. Justice Department awarded a $1 million “whistle blower” award to two Florida women whose lawsuit led to the conviction of a Florida dermatologist who had bilked the Medicare system by removing non-cancerous skin lesions and calling them cancer.…
