We Are Sunshine

Sunbed Inventor Friedrich Wolff Dies at the Age of 85

Tuesday, April 11th, 2023

From Bundesfachverband Besonnung e. V.

The Bundesfachverband Besonnung e.V. takes leave of its founding member and inventor of the tanning bed, Mr. Friedrich Wolff.

It is with great regret that we have received the news of the death of our …

Sun Seekers Half as Likely to Die in Study

Tuesday, April 11th, 2023

Following advice to avoid sun exposure may be harmful to the health of women in countries with low solar intensity, according to new research out of Sweden. Participants that avoided sun exposure had double the all-cause mortality rate of those …

Why All Effective Marketing is Math

Monday, April 10th, 2023

By Grant Miller

I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would ever be teaching anyone about math of any kind. It was one of my worst subjects in school. If the world depended on me to calculate the …

Formula for Success: How to make your most expensive products your best sellers

Friday, April 7th, 2023

In most cases, an increase in the cost of goods a business provides is not welcomed by the proprietor. But the case of tanning and skin care products is a different story. The more expensive products become, the more money …

Perceptions and Reality: Four ways to profit with SmartSun Therapy

Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

Results Worth Paying For

Most of us have used, or are currently using, some sort of red light device in our stores. The most common device found in a tanning salon is a low-pressure lamp device that is probably included …

How to Manage Someone You Don’t Like

Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

By Ashley Laabs

One of the most difficult aspects of managing a team is to practice a high level of professionalism. Often, this means putting objectivity ahead of your own personal preferences. This task is rarely more challenging than when …

Melatonin: Why You Should Make it Instead of Taking it

Monday, April 3rd, 2023

From GrassrootsHealth

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant with many health benefits. Melatonin has been shown to have anticancer effects and to play a role in the regulation of blood pressure and glucose levels. It is also highly anti-inflammatory, with an …

What Do You Want from Me?
Tips for Creating Fan-Friendly Social Content

Monday, April 3rd, 2023

By Ashley Laabs

Social media isn’t easy, but it is worthwhile if your business take the time to create fan-friendly social content. The sad fact is, many small businesses are too focused on using old-media tactics that just don’t work …
