We Are Sunshine

Sun Tanning and Teenagers: Myth and Reality

Friday, February 8th, 2008

The indoor tanning community’s position on teenage tanning — that teenagers should be allowed to tan in professional salons with the consent of their parents — is scientifically supported, according to the International Smart Tan Network.

Smart Tan White Paper …

Smart Tan Clarifies Gray’s Anatomy Case

Friday, February 8th, 2008

TV Actor Dane’s Case Was Not Tanning Related

The tabloid media this week has super-hyped television actor Eric Dane’s removal of a lip lesion that doctors told Dane was a “malignant” skin cancer, adding confusion to misinformation campaigns waged by …

Smart Tan Clarifies Gray’s Anatomy Case

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

TV Actor Dane’s Case Was Not Tanning Related

The tabloid media this week has super-hyped television actor Eric Dane’s removal of a lip lesion that doctors told Dane was a “malignant” skin cancer, adding confusion to misinformation campaigns waged by …

‘Sun Scare’ UNDER FIRE

Thursday, February 7th, 2008

Doctors Criticize Cosmeceuticals’ Cozy Relationship with Anti-Sun Non-Profits

The $35 billion cosmeceutical skin care industry has inappropriate financial ties with some of America’s largest purveyors of anti-sun public relations – money trails that may be destroying credibility in the anti-sun …

Doctors Criticize Cosmeceuticals’ Cozy Relationship with Anti-Sun Non-Profits

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

The $35 billion cosmeceutical skin care industry has inappropriate financial ties with some of America’s largest purveyors of anti-sun public relations – money trails that may be destroying credibility in the anti-sun movement, several doctors now allege.

The American Cancer …

How Do You Answer Questions About Tanning?

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

Getting your staff to become ambassadors of smart tanning is part of the future of the professional indoor tanning market. That’s why Smart Tan’s Tanning Truth Certification teaches you and your staff the best way to answer some of the …

Is vitamin D deficiency a factor in chronic back pain? by MARC SORENSON, ED.D.

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Raising vitamin D concentration in the blood may dramatically increase strength and decrease pain among those who have low vitamin D levels.

     Possibly the most impressive piece of research on the subject is a clinical observation of five vitamin-deficient people …

Growing Up in Canada By: Steve Gilroy

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

Tanning is growing – as well as growing up. Clients are looking for different types of equipment, a professional staff to educate them, and they are ready to pay for that service.

     Education is so easy to get today. Our …
