We Are Sunshine

Answer Tanning’s Toughest Questions with TanningTruth Certification

Friday, April 11th, 2008

Smart Tan’s TanningTruth Certification course gives your staff the confidence to correctly answer some of tanning’s toughest questions. One such question: Does tanning cause cancer?…

Answer Tanning’s Toughest Questions with TanningTruth Certification

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

Smart Tan’s TanningTruth Certification course gives your staff the confidence to correctly answer some of tanning’s toughest questions. One such question: Does tanning cause cancer?…

Half of Tanning Facilities Report Increases in the First Quarter

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

About half of tanning facilities reported a better first quarter in 2008 as compared to 2007 according to a poll conducted in early April – a finding that bolsters the belief that indoor tanning can hold its own in …

Half of Tanning Facilities Report Increases in the First Quarter

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

About half of tanning facilities reported a better first quarter in 2008 as compared to 2007 according to a poll conducted in early April – a finding that bolsters the belief that indoor tanning can hold its own in …

Skin Care Advertising Kicks Up Bogus Sun Scare Arguments

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

Multibillion-dollar sun scare purveyor Johnson & Johnson – manufacturer of the Aveeno skin care line – is recommending daily usage of sunscreen in a fear-laced television advertising campaign that contends “a year of daily sun exposure is like a week …

Skin Care Advertising Kicks Up Bogus Sun Scare Arguments

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Multibillion-dollar sun scare purveyor Johnson & Johnson – manufacturer of the Aveeno skin care line – is recommending daily usage of sunscreen in a fear-laced television advertising campaign that contends “a year of daily sun exposure is like a week …

Smart Tan Responds to Western Australia Tan Ban Proposal

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Smart Tan Vice President Joseph Levy sent the following response to newspapers in Western Australia, where public health officials are enacting tanning regulations that will not improve public understanding of the need for a balanced message about UV light:


Smart Tan Responds to Western Australia Tan Ban Proposal

Monday, April 7th, 2008

Smart Tan Vice President Joseph Levy sent the following response to newspapers in Western Australia, where public health officials are enacting tanning regulations that will not improve public understanding of the need for a balanced message about UV light:

