We Are Sunshine

Throw Beauty Magazines Out of Your Tanning Businesses This Year

Monday, April 7th, 2008

They may look evocative and sassy, but they are powerful, calculating publishing monsters with an agenda driven purely by profit. Although their editorial message may come across as helpful to an audience looking for health and beauty guidance, the magazine’s …

Throw Beauty Magazines Out of Your Tanning Businesses This Year

Friday, April 4th, 2008

They may look evocative and sassy, but they are powerful, calculating publishing monsters with an agenda driven purely by profit. Although their editorial message may come across as helpful to an audience looking for health and beauty guidance, the magazine’s …

UV Light Does Not Deserve the Blanket Label of ‘Carcinogen’

Friday, April 4th, 2008

Anti-sun critics often refer to ultraviolet light as a carcinogen – an oversimplification that is completely inaccurate. Here’s why:
The U.S. National Toxicology Program in 2000 placed ultraviolet light on the federal government’s list of known human carcinogens. In doing …

UV Light Does Not Deserve the Blanket Label of ‘Carcinogen’

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Anti-sun critics often refer to ultraviolet light as a carcinogen – an oversimplification that is completely inaccurate. Here’s why:
The U.S. National Toxicology Program in 2000 placed ultraviolet light on the federal government’s list of known human carcinogens. In doing …

Mo. Research Team Using Tanning Beds to Make Vitamin D

Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

A University of Missouri research team is using indoor tanning equipment to bolster vitamin D production in sun-starved Missourians.

Columbia Missouri NBC-TV affiliate KOMU reported this week that the University of Missouri Department of Nutritional Sciences is testing people at …

Mo. Research Team Using Tanning Beds to Make Vitamin D

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

A University of Missouri research team is using indoor tanning equipment to bolster vitamin D production in sun-starved Missourians.

Columbia Missouri NBC-TV affiliate KOMU reported this week that the University of Missouri Department of Nutritional Sciences is testing people at …

Tanning Businesses Say Lotion Sales Are Hardest Hit In Slow Economy

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

Half of tanning salon owners say lotion sales have been the tanning business segment most affected by the economy this year, according to a poll conducted in the last week of March.…

Tanning Businesses Say Lotion Sales Are Hardest Hit In Slow Economy

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Half of tanning salon owners say lotion sales have been the tanning business segment most affected by the economy this year, according to a poll conducted in the last week of March.…
