We Are Sunshine

Get Your Vitamin D Levels Checked, Health Authorities Urge

Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

Vitamin D experts are now calling for people to get their vitamin D blood levels checked annually — an important step in realizing that vitamin D status cannot be measured through dietary intake.

The Vitamin D Council — a California …

Vancouver Sun Promotes the Sun

Tuesday, January 29th, 2008

Another huge vitamin D story in the press

The Vancouver Sun on Saturday made a strong statement in favor of sunlight as the best source of vitamin D, with a major story showing that “Vitamin D from sunshine can reduce …

Vancouver Sun Promotes the Sun

Monday, January 28th, 2008

Another huge vitamin D story in the press

The Vancouver Sun on Saturday made a strong statement in favor of sunlight as the best source of vitamin D, with a major story showing that “Vitamin D from sunshine can reduce …

Los Angeles Daily News Prints Positive Story About UV

Monday, January 28th, 2008

The Los Angeles Daily News this week joined the list of major media outlets to print positive stories about UV light and vitamin D.

“There are so many things that vitamin D may do that are beneficial,” Dr. David Feldman, …

Los Angeles Daily News Prints Positive Story About UV

Friday, January 25th, 2008

The Los Angeles Daily News this week joined the list of major media outlets to print positive stories about UV light and vitamin D.

“There are so many things that vitamin D may do that are beneficial,” Dr. David Feldman, …

All New Launched

Friday, January 25th, 2008

Smart Tan on Thursday launched an all-new version of – our public web site geared to teach your tanning clients and your communities the truth about professional indoor tanning.

“The site, updated in January after several months of work …

All New Launched

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Smart Tan on Thursday launched an all-new version of – our public web site geared to teach your tanning clients and your communities the truth about professional indoor tanning.

“The site, updated in January after several months of work …

Smart Tan Responds to Bogus BBC Report

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

The British Broadcasting Company on Monday broadcast a completely unsupportable attack on indoor tanning facilities, once again showing how anti-sun forces are willing to distort research and say anything to support their over-the-top cause.

In a story about teenage tanning …
