We Are Sunshine

Big Dermatology Still Doesn’t Understand the Base Tan

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

Base tans are one of the cornerstones of the professional indoor tanning community, with millions of indoor tanners flocking to tanning businesses every spring just to jump-start nature’s best sunburn protection. Yet most in Big Dermatology’s lobbying groups still don’t …

‘Eric Dane Does Not Have Cancer’

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

Agent’s proclamation puts Big Dermatology’s misclassifications of pre-cancers as “malignant” front and center

The story of TV star Eric Dane’s “fight against cancer” has blown up in the face of the Hollywood magazine that last week over-hyped the removal of …

‘Eric Dane Does Not Have Cancer’

Monday, February 18th, 2008

Agent’s proclamation puts Big Dermatology’s misclassifications of pre-cancers as “malignant” front and center

The story of TV star Eric Dane’s “fight against cancer” has blown up in the face of the Hollywood magazine that last week over-hyped the removal of …

Are Professional Tanning Businesses Attracting An Older Client Base?

Monday, February 18th, 2008

An oft-repeated predisposition about the professional indoor tanning business is that it caters to a young clientele and that the older, mature audience stays away. But that may be changing.

A February poll of tanning businesses showed that 88 …

Are Professional Tanning Businesses Attracting An Older Client Base?

Friday, February 15th, 2008

An oft-repeated predisposition about the professional indoor tanning business is that it caters to a young clientele and that the older, mature audience stays away. But that may be changing.

A February poll of tanning businesses showed that 88 …

Solid Ground

Friday, February 15th, 2008

Positive Signs for the Tanning Business

The U.S. Commerce Department reported Wednesday that retail sales increased by 0.3 percent in January — a result that isn’t earth-shattering, but which suggests that consumers are not going into a spending slide as …

Solid Ground

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

Positive Signs for the Tanning Business

The U.S. Commerce Department reported Wednesday that retail sales increased by 0.3 percent in January — a result that isn’t earth-shattering, but which suggests that consumers are not going into a spending slide as …

Media Still Blind to Sun Scare’s Agenda

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

While vitamin D and sunlight are getting plenty of play in the lay press in 2008, media reports this year are still struggling to identify moderate indoor tanning as a constructive activity.

“The press is still missing the fact that …
