We Are Sunshine

Take Control of Your Success

Thursday, September 8th, 2022

By Ashley Laabs

You can be successful no matter what. Have you ever told yourself that? It’s true! If you stop letting the uncontrollable control you, your business can continue to grow and thrive.

No one can deny that the …

Science Says Sun Exposure Improves Sex Life (And Not Just Because Tans are Sexy)

Wednesday, September 7th, 2022

It’s no secret that everyone looks and feels a little sexier with a nice tan. But that’s apparently not the only way sunshine can improve your sex life. Exposure to bright lights, similar to sunlight, tripled reported sexual satisfaction in …

Share Your Story

Tuesday, September 6th, 2022

By Lydia Calderón

Like Snapchat, Instagram stories are photos and videos that can be viewed for 24 hours before disappearing. On Instagram, they’re located as little circles at the top of your Instagram feed and can also be viewed on …

Testimonials Provide New Perspectives for Old and New Clients

Friday, September 2nd, 2022

In a poll, more than 60 percent of indoor tanning businesses said they use customer testimonials as part of their marketing.

Testimonials aren’t just about telling people what a great job you’re doing – it’s also about showing them …

A 5-Point Plan for Growing Your Business

Thursday, September 1st, 2022

By Scott Nichols

I want to lay out a 5-point plan to help you grow your business to the next level. I understand this is easier said than done, but my hope is within 60 to 90 days of implementing …

Educate While They Wait: Lobby video instills confidence

Wednesday, August 31st, 2022

Instill confidence while your customers are in your lobby or throughout other parts of your salon with Smart Tan’s Lobby Video. This video is designed to be looped or to be added to your salon’s video rotation with several segments …

Sunlight and Health: ‘God’s Gift to Mankind’

Tuesday, August 30th, 2022

By Marc Sorenson, Sunlight Institute

Sunlight and health, from the earliest human civilizations to our current battle with COVID-19, have an inseparable link. Dr. John Fielder’s exceptionally well-written paper, History of Heliotherapy, provides insight into the past. Many ancients …

Heighten the Experience

Monday, August 29th, 2022

By Lisa Saavedra, Devoted Creations & Selfie Glow

There is one common factor that all super-successful salons have – a great customer experience. It’s more than just an inviting environment, which of course helps. The customer experience extends even to …
