Group coupons, through popular services like Groupon and Living Social, are only worth the effort if you can convert one-time buyers into returning customers. Use these tips from the article “How to Retain Group Coupon Customers,” from Small Business Computing to help make group coupons a successful tactic to for building your customer base.
- Don’t discount your signature product. If you can avoid it, don’t discount your primary product or service. You want to keep the value of your signature offering consistent for every customer. Offer attractive values on add-ons and ancillary products and services to get people in the door.
- If one is good, several are better. Use multiple offers to draw in different groups of customers with different needs. And don’t forget to give them a reason to return – set a date for a future discount while they’re there.
- Build a network from your initial discount offer. Make sure to get customers’ information in your system. This is important not only to have contact info for future promotions, but also to keep track of their buying habits, so you can better tailor offers to their individual needs.
- Stress word-of-mouth. Offer special discounts to reward customers for sharing your offers on social media. This type of word-of mouth marketing has proven to be more effective that any type of advertising. Also, the benefit is two-fold, as it helps you to reach more potential customers and expand your social media footprint.
- Communicate your value. Stress the actual value that of the product or service that customers are getting. Not just a percentage of savings – make sure they know what they would be paying without the coupon.
- Until we meet again. The most important thing is to give them a reason to come back. Ensuring a good first experience with your business is crucial, and offering an additional coupon for return visitors is a great way to seal the deal.
Click here to read the article from Small Business Computing.

Juan Camilo Bernal /