We Are Sunshine

Sales and UV Tanning Certifications Available in Nashville

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

For the first time, Smart Tan Sales Training will be offered in a classroom setting on Friday Nov. 8 at Smart Tan Downtown in Nashville.

This certification teaches your employees how to propose a product and service mix, explain the benefits, and close the sale. It covers everything from UV tanning to spray tanning to professional tanning products.

Smart Tan’s UV Tanning Certification will also be offered on-site on the same date. This course satisfies training requirements in all 50 states.

The 15th Edition UV Tanning Certification is our Basic Technical Certification, but with a strong focus on interaction between employees and customers. The course teaches your employees the basics about UV light, how tanning works, how to tan customers effectively and many other skills they need to know to operate a salon. The training includes the general science your employees should understand, and also shows them how to convey that information to your customers.

Each certification is available individually for $59 or as a package for a special price of just $89.

Click here to register for Smart Tan Downtown and these certifications.
