We Are Sunshine

Show Your Community Your Best Face

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

As the indoor tanning community continues to evolve and grow professionally, the market’s most successful operations continue to focus on key competencies.

  1. Recommit Your Business to Sunburn Prevention

The science of sun care is coming back to center, as it needs to. As more and more research mounts to support balance, teaching sunburn prevention as a life-long approach to sun care makes more sense than teaching over-use of sunscreen and all-out sun avoidance, which, ironically, often leaves people more susceptible to sunburn when they inevitably do go outdoors.

With researchers now implicating over-zealous sun avoidance as a major public health mistake, as the dust continues to settle on the scientific discussion of this topic the professional sunbed salons who will succeed long-term will be the ones who truly practice sunburn prevention.

That means recommitting your stores to teaching sunburn prevention in the salon as well as teaching your clients how to prevent sunburn outdoors.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.

