We Are Sunshine

Study Finds ‘D’ Supplements are Inconsistent

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Research released yesterday found that many over the counter and prescription vitamin D supplements contain much more or less active vitamin D than their labels claim, as reported on Some bottles actually contain as little as 9% of the expected dose of vitamin D, according to the study.

Researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research examined 55 bottles of vitamin D from 12 different brands. They found that some samples contained as little as 9% of the vitamin D promised on the label and others contained up to 146% more than indicated. Significant variation was also found between different pills within the same bottle.

Interestingly, nearly the same amount of variation was found in prescription pills as over the counter ones. Prescription vitamin D supplements were found to vary from 23% to 146% of the indicated dose.

The Forbes article about the research describes the importance of knowing how much vitamin D one is taking, noting that vitamin D deficiency is “linked to breast cancer, colorectal and other cancers, heart disease, and numerous other serious ills,” and that “some studies have found 50 percent of those tested to be D-deficient.”

It also wisely suggests getting vitamin D “the natural way” – by enjoying the sunshine.

Click here to read the article from
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