We Are Sunshine

Summer Prep Packages and Promotions Educate & Motivate Late-Season Purchases

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

Tanning businesses play a crucial role in helping customers achieve a gradual summer glow, making May the perfect time to launch summer prep promotions.

Summer prep promotions offer an opportunity to provide valuable services and products while educating customers on the importance of responsible tanning practices. By offering strategic promotions on services and products, salons can incentivize customers to start their summer preparations early and teach them how tanning and other services can still be useful all summer long.

The key messages to emphasize during summer prep promotions are the importance of sunburn prevention and summer skin care. In addition to promoting the benefits of a base tan, summer prep promotions can also highlight the importance of using tanning and skin care products, as well as sunscreen when necessary, and practicing sun safety habits. By combining tanning services with educational initiatives on sun safety, tanning salons can position themselves as partners in their customers’ overall health and wellness journey. Instead of merely offering a cosmetic service, salons become advocates for responsible tanning practices, empowering customers to enjoy the sun safely.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
