We Are Sunshine

Sun Exposure Leads to Better Sleep: Study

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

Workers exposed to sunlight through windows on the job got more sleep and reported higher quality of life than those without natural light access at work, in a study published in an online supplement to the journal Sleep.

As reported by, workers with windows received 173 percent more natural white light exposure during work hours than those in windowless offices and slept for an average of 46 minutes more per night. Workers exposed to more sunlight also tended to be more physically active and reported less physical ailments, higher vitality and better sleep quality

According to Dr. Marc Sorenson, who wrote about the study on his website, the results are particularly interesting because they cannot be related to vitamin D, as windows block the UVB light necessary for vitamin D production.

“It is likely that the positive effects of sunlight in this case were produced by increasing serotonin levels (a natural mood enhancer) in the brain during the sunlight exposure, and then allowing melatonin (a natural relaxer) to take over during the night for a restful sleep,” Sorenson wrote.

Click here to read the article from Forbes. news articles regularly report medical and scientific information to keep you abreast of current events related to UV light. This information is not intended to be used by any party to make unwarranted health claims to promote sunbed usage. Indoor tanning businesses are obligated to communicate a fair and balanced message to all clients about your products and services including the potential risks associated with indoor tanning. Contact your Smart Tan representative to find out more about what you can and can’t say in your tanning salon business.

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