We Are Sunshine

Sunshine Vitamin Fights Juvenile Diabetes

Thursday, October 14th, 2010


A pillar in the Vitamin D research community is letting the world know that juvenile diabetes — on the rise in the United States — is linked to deficiency of the sunshine vitamin.

“With 15,000 new cases diagnosed each year in the U.S., juvenile Type 1 diabetes is a significant health problem, a silent killer of sorts,” Dr. Cedric Garland, a vitamin D pioneer at the University of California San Diego writes in an article in The Santa Monica Daily Press. “In fact, Type 1 diabetes is the second most common chronic disease in kids today, second only to asthma.”

According to Garland, “I recently co-authored a medical study where we found that children who live in areas with higher sun exposure — a vitamin D source — were 80 percent less likely to develop this chronic disease than those who live in areas with low sun exposure. This disease can lead to severe problems like blindness, kidney failure, and heart trouble. No child should have to go through this.”

He continues, “The easiest solution is the sun! Kids want to go out and play anyway, so let them out to catch some rays for about 10 to 15 minutes a day.”

To read the story click here.
