A study published Feb. 25 in the Journal “Pediatrics” is already being used to promote additional regulation of professional sunbed salons. The survey was irrelevant to professional salons. The American Suntanning Association released the following statement about the study:
This six-year old telephone survey is irrelevant when evaluating consumer safety procedures practiced in professional salons. This was data collected by phone interview six years ago — no one in this phone survey ever stepped foot in a suntanning salon, where parental consent standards and explicit consumer warning statements already are in place. Most of the non-salon businesses included in this survey are not even in business today.
The American Suntanning Association and professional tanning salons promote responsible new measures like strong parental consent laws and include warning signs in their businesses. While the study authors are using questionable survey methods to lobby for their preferred legislation, they have yet to engage our industry around efforts to promote parental consent and develop responsible legislative alternatives.
The professional tanning community would work cooperatively with this group or any group that wished to constructively re-enforce the standard of written parental consent for tanners under 18.
Click here to download a PDF of this advisory from our Resource Library for Smart Tan members.