We Are Sunshine

Time to be a Champion

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

By Scott Nichols

Is it time for you to be a champion?  Have you ever thought of yourself as a champion? I remember growing up playing sports, and there was always one player we could rely on to help us win. It wasn’t until I started coaching that I realized what made the difference between this “go-to” player and everyone else. Sure, I understand some players matured and grew faster than the rest of the team, but eventually they plateaued out and everyone else caught up. I am talking about the person who wasn’t necessarily the biggest – I am talking about the player who knew how to win!

I noticed two things that made a champion. The first is the extra effort and work they are willing to put in. They excelled at the basics by practicing them as much as possible. They would practice when others weren’t. I watched an interview on Kobe Bryant the other day where he said at the age of 10 he was the worst player on the team. He didn’t even score a point! By the age of 14, he became the No. 1 player in his state. The reasoning behind it was simple. Kobe would practice two hours every day while the other kids would practice once or twice a week. He just worked harder.

Have you ever thought of yourself as a champion? I bet the salon you work at would love it if you became a champion. I know I would love it if we had more champions.

Click here to read the entire article in the latest issue of Smart Tan Magazine online.
