We Are Sunshine

Today Show Slams SPF Makers

Monday, August 20th, 2012

NBC News’ Today Show slammed the marketing of sunscreen products, pointing out that there’s no evidence that SPF products higher than SPF 50 protect you any better.

“Some doctors call these ultra-high SPF numbers a misleading marketing ploy. If you buy SPF 100 over SPF 50, you may think you’re getting double the protection. But you’re actually only getting 1 percent more — which, doctors say, doesn’t make a real difference,” the report said. “And the FDA agrees: There’s no evidence that anything over SPF 50 protects you any better. Yet the SPF 70s, 80s, 100 — even 110 — often cost you more at the store.”

Today pointed out that new FDA rules will limit SPF claims to SPF50, but the multibillion-dollar sunscreen industry has delayed FDA implementation of those rules. Some say SPF15 or 30 should be the highest SPF numeral claims.

To read the Today report click here.
